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PO. Box 303
Dover-Foxcroft, ME



Meeting Minutes

2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Sebec Lake Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2023 9:30 AM
Foxcroft Academy  

Board members in attendance:  Directors - Rudy Davis, Drew Daubenspeck, Brian Woodworth, Cindy Woodworth, Ellen McDermott, Norm Hill, Hugh Johnston, and Steve Robinson.

Absent:  Janet Hall, Joanne Raymond and Nick Swett

A Quorum having been established; President Rudy Davis called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM.

Announcements by the President:

  • Grant Process Status - The Association became a 501C3 Non-Profit organization and renewed its Incorporation status with the State.
  • Three IPP signs have been installed at Greeley's Landing, Bowerbank and Sebec locations.  Brian  noted that the backs of the signs are an opportunity to have a sign added to the back side for visual appearance and also physical support.  Advises the words "Thank you for helping us preserve the lake" be put on reverse side.  Estimated cost at $90 each.
  • The IPP boat is water ready and an 8hp Yamaha motor purchased.  The plan now is to get it registered, named and painted, and hold a christening event.
  • The Newsletter asked for Volunteers and only one person has responded to date.
  • Joanne Raymond has resigned from the Board resulting in an open Director position.
  • Drew Daubenspeck is stepping down as VP effective today.
  • IPP reminder cards were delivered to the Town Offices; to be handed out with boat stickers at time of registration.  Future action is to work with the towns to possibly include IPP cards with property tax bills.
  • In October, the Board will review the meeting minutes and consider suggestions presented at this meeting.   

Treasurers Report:  

  • Steve presented the financial position of the association as of June 30, 2023 noting that the only current outstanding expense is for Website Management.
  • Net Income year to date is $2,518.58.
  • Funds were transferred from checking to savings resulting in a savings account balance of $32,519.99 and a checking account balance of $11,068.82.  Total fund balance of $44,581.81.
  • Brian noted that the motor has been purchased for the IPP boat.  Painting, lettering and registration is still required.
  • It was suggested to not use the word profit as we are now a 501C-3.  Suggested term is surplus.   

Election of Board and Officers:

  • Drew discussed his role as a Vice President. Rudy nominated Brian as VP for the upcoming year.
  • Brian noted that all Board Directors have jobs to do. Reminded the attendees that the Association has one contact person assigned to be the liaison with the Dam operators.  Any complaints voiced to the operators should be presented as an individual property owner and not as an SLA member.
  • Nick is relinquishing his function of dam operator liaison. Rudy will assume these duties on an interim basis going forward.
  • Brian Hall was nominated as a new Director to replace Joanne Raymond.
  • Rudy presented the Board's Officers for 2024:  Rudy Davis (President), Brian Woodworth (Vice president) and Steve Robinson (Secretary/Treasurer).  The slate of officers was approved unanimously.
  • Rudy presented the new slate of directors, existing directors less Joanne Raymond, plus Brian Hall. The slate of directors was approved unanimously.

Old Business: 

  • Boat Wash Update:  Rudy presented the boat wash station efforts. The Town of Dover-Foxcroft is willing to donate or lease  for $1 the land.  Rudy wrote 5 grants; all were turned down. Rudy presented the list of grantors that received our applications. The new estimate for the station is estimated to cost $80,000.  Norm discussed Lake Smart as a possible funding option.  Rudy opened a discussion of moving forward with a capital campaign. Kelly Dennis discussed her outreach work with Foxcroft Academy for their capital campaigns.  Rudy explained we have no legal authority to force people to use the boat wash, nor charge for its use.  It is for all watercrafts including kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, etc. We are trying to get boat inspectors.  Rudy showed a detailed map of the 2-bay wash station and drainage. After significant discussion and input from the attendees, a decision on a capital raise campaign will be made at the pending October board meeting (Zoom).
  • Membership:  Janet reported (thru Rudy) that we had 235 members in 2022.  In 2023, there are 164 year to date, 10 are new members.
  • Newsletter Update: Drew reported that the newsletter increased to 40 pages this year. Even with outreach for lake stories, the personal content is low. Asked what is the ideal date for the newsletter mail? NLT than April 1 was suggested, and the possibility of a reminder- heads up post card to current members suggested. Decision tabled to Oct BOD session. Thanked Janet Hall for all her help. Emails within SLA totaled 334 to get newsletter out this year. Out of 969 Newsletters mailed, only 11 remain as returned in the mail.
  • Advertising:  Norm noted that advertising is a group effort.  Explained that annual reminders go out to previous year's advertisers. It was noted that we need a higher level of engagement in the future.
  • Website/social media:  Discussion about how to maintain and increase membership. David McDermott suggested email reminders to past members. Pete Dennis suggested enhancing Facebook communications to reach membership. A greater effort is needed in this area. Rudy suggested that Dennis perhaps consider assisting the effort.
  • New member recruitment:  Ellen thanked Hugh for his efforts which resulted in $1,000 sales of T-shirts.  A great way to get our name out there.  Additional efforts are needed to further recruit retention and new members.
  • IPP:  Hugh presented the training he received through the "Lake Society of Maine" at China Lake.  A very informative meeting is held annually in June.  Christening of the boat should be a good step towards public notice of our IPP work.

New Business:

  • Proposed 2024 budget:  Steve presented the draft budget and explained the increase in some line items due to the expected impacts of inflation. The budget was approved with a note that any amendments will be posted on the website in October.
  • Social Media:  We have an ongoing recruitment need which a greater presence on FB etc would likely help.
  • Next meeting: Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 9:00 am, although an alternative time / date to be considered as attendance has been low the past two years.  Location TBD

Adjournment:   At 11:15 AM per unanimous vote.

Approved by majority of the Board following electronic review and  July 21, 2023.

2022 Annual Meeting minutes

Sebec Lake Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 9, 2022 9:30 AM Foxcroft Academy   
Board members in attendance:  Directors - Rudy Davis, Brian Krause, Brian Woodworth, Cindy Woodworth, Norm Hill, Jennifer Rogers, Nick Swett, and Steve Robinson.
Absent:  Janet Hall and Ellen McDermott

A Quorum having been established; President Rudy Davis called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM.
Announcements by the President:

- Jennifer Rogers and Joe Guyotte are retiring from the Board resulting in 2 open director positions.  They were thanked for their many years of service on the association.

- Janet Hall requested to step down from her recording secretarial duties to focus on Website and Data Base management.  Cindy Woodworth also asked to step aside as corresponding secretary.  The open secretary position(s) was discussed with Steve Robinson.  He agreed to assume this role starting with the 2022 annual meeting.

- The minutes from the July 2021 meeting had been approved by the Board on June 11, 2022 by electronic vote.

- The organization has filed paperwork with the State of Maine to reincorporate.  It appears that 2016 was the last year the organization-maintained INC. status.

- Amended Articles of Incorporation are being reviewed to support this status and provide required documentation when applying for non-profit status.  Review and approval by the BOD is required.    

- Brian Woodworth has asked to step down as treasurer.  Rudy noted that many small organizations combine the secretary and treasurer positions making operating procedure changes implementation more efficient.  This is proposed for implementation for 2022; Steve Robinson has agreed to assume these roles.  Requires board approval. (see election of Officers)

- Various operating processes will be reviewed in 2022, including consolidation of revenue input flow solely to the treasurer from all sources (e.g cash / checks, grants, Paypal).  A second change will be to have the president and/or vice-president sending out thank you letters from the organization to donors.

- The lake level is currently 322.8 and being well managed by Dichotomy.  Rudy provided a review of how Sebec Lake is a “canyon” lake, whereas most lakes that Dichotomy own are “tub” lakes.  This difference presents new challenges with respect to in-flows and lake level management.          

Election of Board and Officers:    With Jennifer and Joe director openings, Rudy opened the floor to nominations.  Susan Stitham nominated Hugh Johnston.  Hugh provided a brief explanation of his desire to join the board.  Jennifer Rogers nominated Joanne Raymond.  Rudy presented the new slate of directors:  existing directors plus Joanne and Hugh.  The slate of directors was approved unanimously.
Rudy presented the Board’s Officers for 2022:  Rudy Davis (President), Drew Daubenspeck (Vice President), Steve Robinson (Treasurer & Secretary).  The slate of officers was approved unanimously.  
It was noted that Nick will assume the liaison responsibilities with the new owners of the dam – Dichotomy, LLC.  Nick to provide Rudy with dates for a meeting and Rudy will initiate contact with the Officers of Dichotomy and transition the relationship at the local operation level to Nick.  

Committee Reports:  
Treasurer Report: Brian Woodworth reviewed a detailed summary of SLA income and expenses for 2021 (attached as PDF).  He discussed various line items explaining annual fees for website, associations, etc.  Net Income for 2021 was $6,020.67.  He noted that a 1099 had to be filed this year due to increased earnings.  He also presented the timing issue of PayPal monies entering the treasury and the challenge this creates for accurate cash management and account balances.  Future changes with PayPal account management will be discussed with Janet, Rudy and Steve.

Membership Accounts – Rudy reviewed Janet’s member report noting an increase in membership to 235.  This results in a 24% membership rate when compared to 976 database property records.  Kudos to Ellen McDermott for her efforts; reinforcing the method that person-to-person contact gets the best results.  The following breakdown by town membership:  Bowerbank (25%), D-F (23%), Sebec (12%) and Willimantic (19%).   

2022 Newsletter – Drew noted that the newsletter has increased from 28 pages to 36.  975 copies were printed for a cost of $2193.75 and 954 were mailed with a postage cost of $744.12.  Only 16 newsletters were returned.  This is down from 37 returns last year.  Kudos to Janet for maintaining current mailing addresses / owners database.  Drew talked to the post office about lower cost postage options.  Since we only do one mailing a year, no lower cost methods are available to us.  More content is needed in the form of stories to enhance the newsletters enjoyable readability.       

Advertising– Norm thanked the advertisers at the meeting for their continued support.  We have 24 advertisers.  The existing invoicing process works well, and the website exposure supports the growth in advertising.  It is currently $80 for a full-page ad, $40 for a half page ad and $25 for a business card size. There will be no change in a pricing for the next year.    
IPP - Brian Krause reported that the boat (with glass bottom) will be completed this summer.  The Covid hiatus put the work on hold last year.  The FA students are no longer available to help map the lake, so volunteers are needed.  He also noted concern not only with milfoil, but also zebra mussels.  “Lake Stewards of Maine” have training classes available again.  Rudy presented the effort to design, purchase and install IPP warning signs at launch sites.  Pictures of sample signs were passed around the crowd.  He also explained a possible future investigation for a wash station/building, probably at Greeleys Landing.  Possible grant submission for funding will be explored.      

New Dam owners & Lake Level – Numerous calls and concerns about leaving the splash boards in over the winter were held with Dichotomy.  All worked out this spring as lake levels were maintained.  There is still concern within the association as history reminds us that the boards have been removed for the past 20-30 years.  Nick will assess Mike McCormick’s new lake level equipment before any association purchase, noting that Dichotomy also intends to purchase an electronic system.   A meeting with local Dichotomy staff, Nick, Rudy and Brian W will be scheduled.

Website/Social Media – Rudy presented Janet’s report that we have 19 sponsors for the upcoming year and their fees more than cover the costs of the website.  The PayPal service has become a popular
method for paying dues, donations, and decal sales.  We collected $1722 in 2021 thru PayPal and $1826 YTD 2022.   

Nick explained that he created a new Facebook user account so SLA could regain login access to its business account. Login access regained.  The new user account now has 1,100 Facebook Friends.  The business account has 1,188 followers.

New Member Recruitment:  Rudy presented Ellen McDermott’s report.  The first project was to update the membership flyer.  The local Foxcroft Printers were used to print the new version to keep the monies local and help support recruiting efforts.   David and Ellen purchased sample SLA shirts and hats for the board members and were well received.  The association’s members at the meeting liked the products and were in full support of a future effort next spring to get them out to the Businesses.  The association does not want to become responsible for retail warehousing and sales.  It is suggested that we send email reminder notes to every person in our database after the start of the year (January) before the newsletter is mailed noting that dues can be paid prior to issuance of the newsletter.  Decision on this tabled to a later date.

Other Items:
Property rentals:  A question was asked about the number of properties being utilized for Airbnb or VRBO use.  Rudy will ask Janet if there is any way to find this answer from database info.
Motor Purchase:  There is money in the 2022 budget to purchase a used 5/6HP motor.  Brian K. to investigate.

Membership dues:  A question was asked about multi-year and/or lifetime memberships.  The multi-year membership has been looked at decided it requires too much accounting changes.  The lifetime membership will be discussed among the board at a later date.   

Bowerbank Fire Boat:  Donald Johnston (member) suggested the association provide a donation to the Bowerbank Fire Dept. to help with fire boat costs.  He reviewed their excellent response during last year’s wild fire in Tim’s cove and the need to upgrade the equipment.  The Board to discuss at a later date.
Town of Dover Foxcroft donation:  Steve explained the request to the town for financial support last year.  Received commitment for $3200 for the 2022/2023 season.  Check is in the mail per town manager.        

New Business:
SLA as 501C-3 tax exempt corporation:  Rudy presented the activities to date and the expected cost to achieve non-profit tax-exempt status, which would benefit those persons making donations and minimize if not eliminate and tax exposure the Association may have.  It was explained that membership dues would not count as donations; they are linked to a provided service -  membership.  The consensus of the board was unanimous to proceed.
Trail maps for sale:   After a brief discussion, this suggestion was declined for a variety of reasons.
2022 Proposed Budget:  Rudy reviewed the proposed budget with explanations on various line items.
Budget Items:  Fixed
. $35 Incorporate

. $360 for Treasurer bond (3 yrs.)

. $550 for Website maintenance and hosting

. $100 for water quality testing

. $800 D&O Insurance  

. $126 PO Box  

. $3517 Newsletter Print & Post  

. $100.00 Office supplies  

. $300 Recruitment efforts  

. $200 Maine Lakes Society  

Budget Items:  Discretionary  
. New Member Recruitment - $300

. Maine Lakes Society - $200

. Lake Stewards of Maine - $500

. PayPal Fees - $100

. Fireworks Donation - $500

. IPP Supplies - $500
Capital Projects:
. 501C-3 Tax Exempt- $2000

. Boat Upgrade (motor) - $500

. Lake/IPP Signs - $2000

. Central Hall Brick - $100

. New lake level monitoring electronics - $1500

Following the presentation of the above proposed budget totaling $14,048.31.  Budget was approved by unanimous vote.
Adjournment:   At 11:15 AM per unanimous vote.
Approved as amended by the Board following electronic review and vote on July 20, 2022.  

2021 Board Meeting

Sebec Lake Association 
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 
July 10, 2021 8:30 AM 
Foxcroft Academy

Board members in attendance:  Directors - Rudy Davis, Brian Krause, Janet Hall, Bob Hall, Brian Woodworth, Cindy Woodworth, Norm Hill and Jennifer Rogers. 
Absent:  Drew Daubenspeck  

A Quorum having been established, President Rudy Davis called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM. 

Rudy announced that Bob Hall was retiring from the Board after many years of service, and thanked Bob on behalf of the association. Bob was greeted with extended applause and wishes for a happy ‘retirement’. 

Rudy announced that the minutes from the July 2020 meeting had been approved by the Board on July 31, 2020 by electronic vote. 

The date for the 2022 annual meeting was set for Saturday, July 9, 2022, time and place TBD.  

Election of Board and Officers:    With Bob Hall’s retirement and other changes to the board, three board positions were opened.  After providing a brief verbal bio and why they believe they would make good additions to the board, Ellen McDermott, Nick Swett and Steve Robinson were elected to the board unanimously. 

It was moved by Rudy, seconded by Janet Hall, to let the Board’s Officers stand as is:  Rudy Davis (President), Drew Daubenspeck (VP), Brian Woodworth (Treasurer), Janet Hall (Rec. Secretary), Cindy Woodworth (Corr. Secretary).  The motion passed unanimously.  

It was noted that we need more active members and to spread out some of the duties of the Board. In that light, new directors offered their help as follows:  Ellen to help with advertiser recruitment and newsletter development.  Nick will work with Steve on new member recruitment ideas / programs.  Nick agreed to become the liaison with the new owners of the dam – Dichotomy, LLC.  Rudy will initiate contact with the Officers of Dichotomy and transition the relationship at the local operation level to Nick as it develops.  

Report of Officers & Committees:  

President report: Rudy addressed the low lake level, SLA having received many calls expressing concern and false information about mismanagement of the dam.  It was clearly explained that regardless of dam operation, if there’s little water entering the lake, the lake level will be low.  The dam is allowed to operate at a minimal flow rate (and has been).  The very light snowpack, and minimal spring and early summer rainfall have resulted in this part of the state being in an extreme drought status.  The solution is more rain and a dry summer ahead is forecasted.   
Following this discussion, Rudy expressed thanks to Drew and Norm for an excellent newsletter and ad generation program and to Brian Krause, for excellent work on the IPP/Float the Boat programs.  A goal of late July has been set for insertion of the Plexiglass panels in to the ‘viewing’ boat, which the team hopes to have operational in 2022 pending acquisition of a motor.  

Treasurer Report: Brian Woodworth reviewed a detailed summary of SLA assets, income, expenses and the proposed 2021-22 budget (see below) along with comparisons of current and previous years. Net Income for 2020 was $1,918.73.  Brian and Janet reported that PayPal is working very well. 

Questions/Comments - Committees:   

  • Membership Accounts - Janet Hall - Janet reported that only 37 Newsletters were returned as undeliverable this year, a low number given that we mail out nearly 1000. That said, our membership level remains in the low twenties (21% per Janet).  More work is needed to drive that number up.  Janet indicated and Brian confirmed that PayPal is working well for dues payments, other donations.  A multi-year membership idea was suggested. 
  • Recruitment:  Ellen McDermott offered to work on recruitment, and would like to hear ideas from other board members and members alike.  Possibilities mentioned were T-shirts, Hats (to be sold), door to door efforts, tables at the grocery stores, Whoopie Pie, Kiwanis auction and other events, perhaps even a float in the Dover-Foxcroft 100-year anniversary parade in 2022, boat-to-dock recruitment in addition to the SLA flyer distribution.  Rudy mentioned that door to door on your camp road has worked well in the past, with flyers in hand. 
  • Water quality: With Bob’s retirement, a transition to others to perform water quality and monitoring duties is needed. Rudy will work with Bob to obtain the appropriate help.  (NOTE:  Rudy will perform lake level readings; Bob has recruited Chris Smith (Grapevine Road) to do Secchi disk readings.)  Phosphorous testing remains an open item. 
  • Newsletter & Advertising: Norm Hill - Norm spoke about the Ad process and how all went very smoothly with emailing renewal statements/invoices for Newsletter and Web Ads.    
  • IPP - Brian Krause:  Brian reported that the IPP program was still on hiatus in terms of active mapping, and student involvement from FA may be limited.  Dates are scheduled for further work on the clear bottom viewing boat.    
  • New Dam owners & Lake Level: Numerous calls and concerns about the lake level and the management of the Sebec Village dam, the accusation being that the new owners of the dam – Dichotomy, LLC, were mismanaging flow.  Rudy stated that Dichotomy is in compliance with the terms of the operating permit and he and Brian answered many questions.  The conversation always led back to lack of rainfall and snowpack last winter.  The region is in drought status and if conditions persist, water levels will remain low, perhaps even get lower.   Rudy noted that the electronic equipment at the Bowerbank launch is no longer operational.  He will perform lake level readings using manual calculations going forward, taking over for Bob Hall until other assignments can be made and the electronic equipment potentially replaced (item for 2022 meeting). 
  • Website: Janet Hall reported that things continue to go well with Patrice and website management – maintenance, though this function continues to take more time each year as the number of postings increase. 
  • Janet also expressed a desire to step away from the Recording Secretary duties, with a target of next year’s meeting to have a replacement identified and voted upon by the Board.  Janet will continue to manage the database and website elements of the Association, which have both expanded in terms of time requirements.  Rudy agreed to work on this transition with Janet over the Winter.  (RD Note:  Cindy has also stepped aside as corresponding secretary effective May 2022.  Rudy, with input from Brian and Drew, has asked Steve Robinson to assume the role of Secretary effective July 9, and, subject to board approval at the annual meeting, he has agreed.) 
  • Facebook: Jennifer Rogers - Jennifer would like to see more stories about the lake submitted, indicating it’s difficult to find local news and stories.  

Committee assignments:  Committee assignments will remain as is with Nick becoming the liaison for the Dam, Steve and Ellen for work on recruitment with help from others.  Janet noted that she would like to focus her duties on the member database and associated tasks, shifting some of the other tasks she has performed to other directors.  Rudy will work to fulfill this request (see prior bullet). 

2022 Proposed Budget:  Brian Woodworth reviewed the proposed budget. 

Budget items:  Fixed 

  • $120 for Treasurer bond –approved 
  • $500 for Website maintenance and hosting --- approved 
  • $100 for water quality testing --- approved 
  • $698 D&O Insurance – approved 
  • $116 PO Box – approved 
  • $4200 Newsletter Print & Post -- approved 
  • $75.00 Office supplies 
  • Up to $ 500 Recruitment efforts -- approved 
  • $200 Maine Lakes Society -- approved 


Budget Items Proposed:  

  • New lake level monitoring electronics -- defer to 2022 
  • Glass Bottom boat motor not to exceed $600 -- approved 
  • Fireworks Donation for 2021:  zero, defer to 2022 
  • Establish Reserve fund for Invasive Species Response defer 
  • $500 - Lake Stewards of Maine (VLMP) approved 

Following presentation of the proposed budget with adjustments being made and the above items approved, the 2022 budget of $7609.00 was approved by unanimous vote. 

Adjournment:   At 10:15 AM, there was a motion to adjourn by Brian Krause, 2nd by Nick Swett and all were in favor.  

Approved unanimously by the Board following electronic review and vote on June 11, 2022.  

Based on notes from Cindy Woodworth, Rudy Davis.  

2020 Board Meeting

Sebec Lake Association
Board of Directors Meeting
July 11, 2020 8:00 AM
Via Teleconference  

President Rudy Davis called the Zoom teleconference board meeting to order at 8:04 AM.   

In attendance:  Directors - Rudy Davis, Drew Daubenspeck, Brian Krause, Janet Hall, Bob Hall, Brian Woodworth, Cindy Woodworth, Norm Hill and Jennifer Rogers. Absent: MJ Sheldon-McKenzie, Joe Guyotte.  Resigned/not attending: Megan Daggett, Linda Adams. 

1.  The Directors reviewed and approved the meeting minutes of July 13, 2019 on a motion by Brian W, 2nd by Jennifer - all in favor. 

2.  Set 2021 Meeting date: Tentatively set for July 10, 2021 - Directors-8:00, Annual Meeting 9:30 @ Mayo Hospital.  Brian W will coordinate for available meeting room. 

3.  Election of Board and Officers:   There was a discussion of possible new and possible resignations of Directors:

  • Megan Daggett has resigned/moved; Linda Adams resigned in conversation with Drew 
  • Possible resignation:  MJ McKenzie  (resigned July 2020)
  • Jennifer offered to resign if there was someone more willing/local to take on her responsibilities, but willing to help remotely from Mass.  

Potential new Board candidates: 

  • Ellen McDermott, recommended by Brian W & Cindy 
  • Nick Swett recommended by Norm
  • Steve Robinson forwarded by Drew 
  • Rudy and Drew will compose an email ‘interview’ for these candidates to respond to. 
  • President Rudy welcomed Drew Daubenspeck to his new duties as Vice President. 
  • It was moved by Rudy, seconded by Brian K, to let the Board stand as is: 
    • Rudy Davis (President), Drew Daubenspeck (VP), Brian Woodworth (Treas), Janet Hall (Rec. Secy), Cindy Woodworth (Corr. Secy), 
    • Board members:  Bob, Norm, Joe, Brian K, Jennifer, MJ 
  • Board meeting minutes to be sent out to Board; approval via Zoom call early August 2020.  
  • It was noted that we need more active members and to spread out some of the duties. 

4.  Report of Officers & Committees: 

  • President report: Thanks to Drew and Norm for newsletter and ad generation, Brian Krause for excellent work on the IPP/Float the Boat programs. 
  • Treasurer Brian Woodworth reviewed a detailed annual summary of SLA assets, income, expenses and proposed budget along with comparisons of current and previous years. 
  • Going forward Brian will use calendar year figures and coordinate with Janet on Pay Pal and other income records.  Due to larger donations and less expenses, Brian recommended setting up a reserve or endowment account. The Board in general agreement.  Rudy will send descriptive email to Board on the topic of such an account; the vote will occur in Zoom meeting in August. The Treasurer’s report is attached.   

5.   Questions/Comments - Committees:  

  • Membership Accounts - Janet Hall - Janet stated that 44% of the SLA database records have never been dues payers; 20% have paid dues for 2020.  She expressed the need of mailing newsletters and said it is important for people to have SLA information about paying dues 'in their hands' as opposed to receiving it via email. Drew commented that 20% is better than the member rates for some larger organizations that he has worked with.  Rudy talked about how the ‘Did You Know” brochures have been distributed to many places in the surrounding Sebec Lake area. 
  • Water quality - Bob Hall - Brian W asked about billing for water quality testing.  Bob mentioned we should keep this item in the budget for future testing.  Brian K said his Environmental Class may be able to do the phosphorous testing. Note that there is no equipment involved; the state sends the collection bottles when requested.  [Addendum note: Lake Stewards of Maine has received grant money for phosphorous testing of Maine Lakes; Bob has requested a kit.  The test will be coordinated with a Secchi disc reading in August.} 
  • Newsletter - Drew Daubenspeck - Drew is looking for an original SLA logo.  Rudy mentioned he will email his flyer that contains a logo. Drew said he is receiving many photos of 'Sebec Lake' license plates and will include them in the newsletter. There have been many positive comments on our newsletter!! Drew encouraged everyone to support our advertisers, especially in this Covid-19 environment.   
  • Advertising - Norm Hill - Norm spoke about the Ad process and how all went very smoothly with emailing renewal statements/invoices for Newsletter and Web Ads.   Megan, who assisted with regular mailings to all/new potential advertisers, has moved/resigned and will be very much missed.  Cindy offered to help with these mailings this year. 
  • IPP - Brian Kraus, Rudy Davis - Brian and Rudy spoke about the success in the IPP and Float the Boat campaign.  Brian K, Rudy and Brian W will be working together soon to install Lexan in the glass bottom boat.   
  • Ampersand & Lake Level - Joe Guyotte, Rudy Davis - Joe is out of town and was unable to attend, so hope to get information by email to distribute.  Water level equipment probably needs recalibrating.  Bob and Rudy to do this early August. 
  • Website - Janet Hall - Brian W asked about Web hosting fees.  Janet noted Patrice will be billing for the current hosting fee.  Janet has worked around the website limits to generate reports, so Patrice is not requested to make changes.  She has not charged for small things that Janet cannot do, so our only expense is the annual hosting fee invoiced in September of each year 
  • Facebook - Jennifer Rogers - Jennifer will send out an email to the Board regarding Facebook issues.   Please 'Reply All'. 
  • Rudy indicated that new board members will need to have the ability and time to step in to assist with of these duties.  He also stated he will talk with MJS McKenzie and determine her intentions to join these efforts or resign. 

6.  Proposed Committee needs & assignments: 

  • Facebook management - MJ? - Jennifer may continue - see future emails 
  • New Member recruitment:  MJ?   

7.  New Business

  • 'Name the Newsletter' - Vote results: Drew reported SEBEC LAKE CURRENT submitted by Steve Robinson was selected as the winning name for the Newsletter. Thanks to all who participated. (‘Reflections of Sebec’ came in 2nd place) 
  • Shall the Board recommend that the Association allocate up to $1000 from IPP funds to convert a donated boat to 'glass bottom' for IPP purposes?  It was moved by Rudy, 2nd by Brian K to allocate said funds and all present were in favor. 
  • Shall the Board recommend that the Association maintain membership in Lake Stewards of Maine and Maine Lake Society?   It was moved by Jennifer, 2nd by Drew to maintain the memberships.  All were in favor. 
  • Shall the Board establish a Reserve Funds account for response to Invasive Species remediation?  President Rudy recommended we reserve our thoughts and talk further about earmarking funds for invasive plant infestation response and/or capital equipment and postpone voting on this subject.  He will collect further details and formalize an email to send out to the Board for consideration. If necessary, a Zoom call will be scheduled. 

8.  Other 

  • Jennifer said this is the first year in 78 years she will not be coming to Sebec Lake. 
  • President Rudy suggested we have another Zoom teleconference within 30 days to approve the minutes of July 11, 2020.  Cindy and Rudy will submit their notes from the meeting to Janet and she will combine and finalize for approval 

9.  Adjournment  

At 8:58 AM, there was a motion to adjourn by Brian K, 2nd by Brian W and all were in favor. 

Based on notes from Cindy Woodworth, Janet Hall, Rudy Davis. 

These minutes were unanimously approved by the Board on 7/31/20 via email vote.

Annual Meeting 2019

July 13, 2019

Thirty-eight members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis Room on July 13, 2019. President Brian Woodworth called the meeting to order at 9:40 a. m., welcomed members to the annual meeting and had all Board members introduce themselves.

The 2018 Annual meeting minutes were distributed and read by attendees. The minutes were approved as presented. The Treasurer's Report was distributed to attendees and commented on by Brian Woodworth who has been acting as Treasurer since Jennifer Stewart resigned in 2018. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business:

1. Brian commented that paid membership is only 11% and it was discussed how to increase membership. Drew commented that figure was typical. It was discussed how to increase counts: tables at events, word of mouth/talking to neighbors. The Did You Know pamphlet will be updated by Rudy and copies made available at town offices, Road Association meetings and and local events.

2. Brian Krause reported on the IPP initiative. No F-A students are helping this summer. Brian needs permission to access the Lake thru private properties; owners are asked to cooperate. A magnetic sign for the F-A van identifying the group as IPP/SLA might help. The search continues for a donated 14' boat and motor to make a glass bottomed boat so existing plants can be observed more easily. He will be working in Tim's Cove this summer. The lake is about 40% mapped.

3. There was a discussion of possible pollution issues with Fireworks and Fishing Tournaments. Fireworks are cleaner than in the past and are disintegrated before landing; it was noted that the heavy metal residue does pollute the water. Shoreline fireworks are unregulated; of the four lake towns, only D-F has an ordinance requiring a permit, but it is not enforced. Fishing tournaments: leaving equipment behind; Rudy commented that the participants have a stake in keeping the lake pristine so they can catch the fish. This led to a discussion of the need to clean all 'water toys' that have been in other lakes to avoid contamination by invasives. Cleaning should be done with soap/water away from lake runoff areas. Be vigilant; if you see a boat/equipment entering the lake with out-of-state tags, ask if it's been washed; if not, share the reasons to wash. Lesley Fernow asked about cleaning stations; there are 6 public boat launches and these stations are very expensive; there are no funds to install any on Sebec. The best defense is to make people AWARE of the problems with invasives and how to remediate. Rudy commented that outdated septic systems cause more pollution than the fireworks. Brian cited stories of inadequate septic systems. Drew discussed new regulations that are in place in Maine for septic systems, with substantial fines for non-compliance. Lesley Fernow commented on how restrictive system placement has become, citing her experience of installing a new system, stating most camp owners may not be able to comply.

4. Brian discussed water level and how Ampersand controls the water; target level during the summer 322.3 to 322.8 feet above sea level. In the spring, the lake must be lowered after ice out to below the dam to install the boards safely. The boards help keep the level within the above targets. In the fall, Inland Fisheries and Wildlife personnel have the option to request a delay drawing the water down until the salmon have spawned. Clearcutting and building within the 320 sq. mile watershed impacts lake level and entry of pollutants. Gary McPheters oversees/controls the Dam, Joe Guyotte is the SLA liaison who works with Gary. The dam has had significant repairs in the past year, and is again producing electricity.

New Business:
Election of Officers and Board of Directors.
Brian Woodworth explained that he did both President and Treasurer duties for 2019 since we had no treasurer; Rudy Davis has agreed to be President for one year and Brian will take over as Treasurer to avoid conflict of interest. There we no nominations from the floor. The following slate of Officers and Board of Directors was elected unanimously:

President  Rudy Davis
Vice President  Vacant
Treasurer  Brian Woodworth
Recording Secretary  Janet Hall
Corresponding Secretary  Cindy Woodworth

Bob Hall, Norman Hill, Joe Guyotte, MJ Sheldon-McKenzie, Brian Krause, Drew Daubenspeck, Jennifer Rogers, Megan Daggett, Linda Adams

Budget Items. Rudy explained the Budget items; all were approved:
Website: Up to $500 for Hosting fees ($300) and maintenance ($200).
Water quality testing: up to $100. Lake Stewards of Maine (formerly VLMP) Donation: $500.
Fireworks Donation for 2019: $500. Approved with 5 nay votes.

Other items:

1. Drew Daubenspeck reported on the Make Lake Society meeting on June 22, 2019. This organization includes many Lake Associations, Lake Stewards of Maine (quality/training of volunteer monitors), Maine Lake Society (legislative issues) and Lake Smart of Maine (advising camp owners on preventing runoff/pollution/etc). He recommended that SLA join at a cost of $3 per member. A motion was made and seconded to join; the vote was unanimous. Drew will look into completing the application. 

2. Dues: It was suggested that it is time to increase dues from $15 (which has been the cost from the beginning of SLA.) Options were discussed, including more frequent small increases or a larger single increase, with a $5 per year increase favored. Roberta Fitzgerald moved that the dues be increased to $20 for 2020 with the option to raise them again in subsequent years. The notion was seconded and passed unanimously. Being able to purchase 'guest memberships' for friends and family was suggested, but was tabled until next year.

3. It was suggested that SLA work with Road Associations and have all RA members get membership at a discount if the RA pays dues for all of their members. Drew (Tim's Cove) and Rudy (Ram Island) will work with their RAs to see if there is interest. It can then be expanded to others.

4. Brian reported upcoming community events.

5. Lesley Fernow requested time to speak about Climate Change. Maine is less affected at this time than the rest of the country/world, however, local observation is that ice is on the lake for a shorter time and is not as thick as in the past. The fish need cold water/low oxygen levels to thrive. There have been longer, wetter springs and drier summers. There is proposed Climate legislation in the works to assess a carbon fee on industries that produce fuels that ultimately result in releasing carbon into the atmosphere. The expectation is that these fees would be passed along to the consumer via higher prices. As proposed, these fees would be distributed in equal shares back to everyone in the US regardless of how much or how little an individual consumer uses these fuels. Administration of this program would not be done through the federal government. Contact Lesley to learn more about the Citizens Climate Lobby.

Speaker: Author Brian Smith

Brian lives in New Mexico and summers on Sebec. He was an archeologist before retiring. He has written two books with a third in the works. Brian likes to include local people (generally as good characters), with others both fictional and real cast as the bad guys and possibly being 'killed off', using the actual local culture and physical landscapes. Last year's The Ice Maiden takes place in and around Sebec. This year's Black Frog is set in Greenville/Moosehead Lake. Bruce raffled off a copy of Black Frog, won by Joe Quinn. Both books are available on Amazon.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a. m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2018

July 14, 2018

Twenty-eight members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis Room on July 14, 2018.  President Brian Woodworth called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m., welcomed members to the annual meeting and had all Board members and attendees introduce themselves.

The 2017 Annual meeting minutes were distributed read by attendees.  The minutes were approved as presented.

The Treasurer's Report was distributed to attendees.  The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business:

1.  Norm Hill reported on Advertising for the Newsletter.  We will be working on due dates for ordering and invoices for payment for 2019.

2.  The SLA website was upgraded in late 2017; it is now compatible with Facebook.  Jennifer Rogers volunteered to work with Peter Chase on monitoring the content.

3.  Decals are available for purchase and several attendees purchased them.

4. Invasive Plant Program:  Brian Krause presented an update; FA students are working with him again this summer; they get science course credit for their work.  This summer, they have an aggressive agenda, and will work at Tim's Cove.  Rudy thanked Brian for all his work and for involving FA.  The students have expressed interest in checking local ponds such as Buttermilk as well as the lake.

5.  Lake water data:  Bob Hall stated that the clarity monitored via Secchi disk reading averages 25', the depth to which the disk can be seen from the boat; this is excellent.  Phosphorous levels continue to be low and well within the acceptable limit.
Question: is the lake water drinkable? It is clean and pure, but it is not recommended for drinking. 
Sue Stitham commented that the water level was very low in May; it was explained that Mother Nature is in charge and that there was very little rain in the spring to bring up the level.  The Boards are put in when it is safe for the operators to walk the dam to put them up.  Tom Gerrish commented that ice out this year was late, May 4.  Typically it is between mid-April and early mid-May. 

New Business:
Election of Officers and Board of Directors.
The Board presented a slate of Officers and Board of Directors. 
The following slate of Officers and Board of Directors was elected unanimously:
President..............................Brian Woodworth
Vice President......................Rudy Davis
Treasurer..............................Jennifer Stewart
Recording Secretary........... Janet Hall
Corresponding Secretary....Cindy Woodworth

Bob Hall,  Norman Hill,  Joe Guyotte, MJ Sheldon-McKenzie,  Brian Krause, Drew Daubenspeck,  Jennifer Rogers,  Dennis Beaver, Megan Daggett, Linda Adams

Brian noted that longtime Director Dean Meffe had tendered his resignation from the Board, and thanked him for his service.  He also noted that Maurice Marden, director since 2001 and our Dam  liaison, passed away in the spring.  Maurice worked tirelessly for the lake and we will miss his counsel and wisdom. 
Budget Items.
The following Budget items were approved unanimously:
Website: Up to $500 for Hosting fees ($300) and maintenance ($200).
Water quality testing: up to $100.
Lake Stewards of Maine (was VLMP) Donation: $500.
Fireworks Donation for 2019:  $500.
Other items from the floor.
The attendees were asked if there was a preference for meeting days/time.  It was agreed that Saturday morning is good, but to avoid the July 4 weekend.  The 2019 meeting will be on Saturday July 13.
Brian reported upcoming community events. 

Speaker:  Matt Scott, Lake Stewards of Maine (VLMP) Advisory Board Member
Matt's Power Point presentation talked about the mission to protect and preserve the water quality, value, and benefits of Maine lakes for present and future generations.   In particular, Sebec Lake has excellent water quality measurements, holding well and above average for Maine lakes.  It is a 'two-story' lake, i.e. it has both cold water and warm water species, salmon, lake trout and small mouth bass.  It is one of four lakes in Maine where landlocked salmon originated in freshwater.  The max depth is 155' and mean depth is 34' with its watershed area extending to Greenville, ME.  He described it as a 'GEM' lake.  He urges us to all be vigilant as new threats to lakes are appearing in Maine, including invasive plants such as hydrilla and invasive fish species such as large mouth bass and northern pike.  They are usually introduce by visitors who do not clean their equipment that enters the water and fisherman who want to introduce different species.  Unfortunately, the invasive species overtake/eliminate the native flora and fauna.  The Sebec Lake Association is working to keep this from happening!

Brian thanked the attendees, the speakers and SLA Board and adjourned the meeting at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2017


July 08, 2017

Twenty-eight members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis Room on July 8, 2017. President Brian Woodworth called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m., welcomed members to the annual meeting and had the Board members introduce themselves. The 2016 Annual meeting minutes were read by attendees. The minutes were approved as presented.

The Treasurer's Report was distributed to attendees and presented by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: IPP: Brian Krause reported on the Invasive Plant Patrol project. Foxcroft Academy has approved a program for FA students to work on the IPP and receive science course credit. There are currently 6 students in the program which will start soon. The plan is to investigate Newell and Seymour Coves, the State Park, from Packard's south to Buck's Cove and the Sebec Dam area over the summer. Brian will also contact VLMP about conducting an Invasive Plant class next spring.

Bylaws revision: The revised bylaws were distributed to attendees; a vote to accept the revised bylaws passed unanimously.

Lewis (Tink) Shepardson questioned the lake fluctuation this season.

Maurice discussed the current Ampersand Dam Agreement: 1. Tim Obrey (IFW Biologist) monitors the salmon spawn in the fall and the level is kept up until he reports the end of the spawning event; 2. the Dam owners want to make money, but are also very concerned about keeping levels to the requires 322.8 feet above sea level from Memorial Day until 2 weeks after Labor Day; 3. Natural fluctuation during the summer is due to the amount of rain, which gets to the lake faster and in larger quantities due to clear cutting; the watershed for the lake is 320 sq. miles; 4. Ampersand is prohibited from flooding Milo, i.e. cannot send too much water down the river to impact Milo's capabilities to handle it all.

Tom Gerrish wondered if the wood companies are required to replant after cutting. This would be regulated by the Maine Forest Service.

Cindy Woodworth announced that 2017 Newsletters are available; they are also posted on the SLA website.

New Business: Election of Officers and Board of Directors. The Board presented a slate of Officers and Board of Directors. Peter Chase and Gary Soucy have resigned from the Board. The following slate of Officers and Board of Directors was elected unanimously:

  • President: Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President: Rudy Davis
  • Treasurer: Jennifer Stewart
  • Recording Secretary: Janet Hall
  • Corresponding Secretary: Cindy Woodworth
  • Directors Bob Hall, Norman Hill, Dean Meffe, Maurice Marden, Joe Guyotte, MJ Sheldon-McKenzie, Brian Krause, Drew Daubenspeck, Jennifer Rogers, Dennis Beaver

Budget Items. The following Budget items were approved unanimously: Website: Up to $500 for Hosting fees ($300) and maintenance ($200), up to $1500 to upgrade website Water quality testing: up to $100 VLMP Donation: $500 Fireworks Donation for 2018: $500

Other. Sue Stitham inquired as to the impact of fireworks on the lake quality; Brian stated that the company that does the Homecoming fireworks have assured him that technology has changed over the years and that the cartridges are retained on the barge after firing and most of the ash is blown away before it gets to the lake. There is no knowing, however, about the fireworks set off by camp owners around the lake.

Brian reported upcoming community events. The photo slide show going on during the meeting was provided by Tom Gerrish, with both old and new photos being displayed.

Speakers. Tim Thurston, Navigational Aids Supervisor talked about his job responsibilities to maintain the markers on 40 Maine lakes, the history of markers on Sebec Lake, including the SLA responsibility to place markers in the early 70's, and the meaning of each marker. He asked those on the lake to report problems; each marker has tracking information in a state database as well as Tim's phone number which will help him identify problem/missing markers. Monitoring includes fixing/replacing chains, etc., moving markers to where needed. Several questions from the floor were answered related to specifics of the marker placement/repair. To the question of placing lights on markers, Tim stated that lights must be flashing (an annoyance to nearby camps at night). For more information, go to and search Navigational aids. Information is also available on Google Earth for all lakes with markers; this information can be downloaded to GPS units. Jeremy Kemp, Dover Game Warden spoke of the Hooked on Fishing, not Drugs talk he gives to 4th graders about the importance of Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs), stressing the importance of correct sizing, making sure the device floats keeping the face up out of the water, and having enough devices for all on the boat. He discussed requirements for boating/recreational floating devices safety equipment, registration, the importance of having owner information written in kayaks, canoes, PWCs, etc. so that an owner can be contacted/located if one is found floating free. Maine Boating regulations can be found at Jeremy showed slides of his dive to the Marion, the steamboat scuttled in Bucks Cove. Brian thanked the attendees, the speakers and SLA Board and adjourned the meeting at 11:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2016


July 09, 2016

Thirty members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis Room on July 9, 2016.

President Brian Woodworth called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m., welcomed members to the annual meeting and had the Board members introduce themselves.

Lesley Fernow, President of the Maine Highlands Senior Center housed in the refurbished Central Hall, described the project, which is nearing completion, and invited SLA to tour of the facility.

The 2015 Annual meeting minutes were read by attendees. The minutes were approved as presented.

The 2016 Treasurer's Report was presented by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart. Not included is the 2016 Newsletter printing/mailing cost of nearly $1000; the bill was delayed. Donations totaled $3370, up from previous years, and helped to increase the assets by $4333.49. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: Bob Hall reported on the state of the lake. Clarity remains at 22 ft.; phosphorous is measured by the state every 5 years; SLA will do a phosphorous test this year. The lake level monitoring equipment still functions, but has cumbersome data retrieval on-site.

Advertising revenue was $920. It was decided at the Board meeting that ad rates need to increase in order to cover increased printing/mailing costs due to any additional advertising. Norm Hill and Peter Chase coordinate the advertising. Peter will look into alternative printing/mailing options which can streamline the publishing/mailing of the newsletter. He also will look into creating a Facebook page for SLA to increase our exposure.

Rudy reported on the Invasive Plant Patrol project. Donations for IPP totaled $1121. Brian Krause, Biology teacher at FA, has been working with Rudy and has involved students from FA. The plan for 2016 is to work each Thursday through mid-August, using teams of 2-3 people. Due to the generally steep drop-off from the shore, there is no plant growth beyond 7 ft from shore, and this allows walking the shore with a scope to view/id the plants. As plants are identified through the scopes, a monitor records location/depth/type of plant/density. It was suggested to add GPS coordinates. Volunteers are really needed to keep this going; you can volunteer for a single session or several. Volunteers need aqua shoes/waders/snorkels/masks for comfort. Training will be by trained current IPP members; if we have a large number, we can call on VLMP to lead a class. To date, mapping has been done at Greeley's Landing and Newell Cove near the Bowerbank boat launch. So far, only native water plants have been found. In 2016, the plan is to map all of Newell Cove, Greeley's Landing towards the camps, State Park, and the north shore of the big lake where the shoreline has deep water. Rudy emphasized the need to thoroughly clean boats, trailers, motors, water toys, etc. that have been in other lakes.

The question was raised about boats brought here by dealers for test runs: are there regulations for dealers related to cleaning before launching; Rudy will check with VLMP. Glenn Rogers suggested that signs be placed at gas pumps on the lake. Lesley Fernow asked if boat washing stations could be placed at the boat launch sites; Rudy said this had been discussed, but the cost of equipment and personnel would be prohibitive for SLA. Improved Boater Education signage, placed BEFORE the shoreline, would be an improvement. Community Education could be improved by press releases in the Observer/Gazette, signs (possibly constructed by the Environmental Club at FA), and hand out flyers at the Fireworks in August. The SLA Board is reviewing the Bylaws with the goal of using technology, allowing discussions/votes via electronic media. This solves the issue of conducting business off-season as the Board is spread across the country at that time. The proposed changes will be posted on the website after Board approval, and will be voted on by the Membership at the 2017 Annual Meeting.

Tom Gerrish expressed concern over the small size of the landlocked salmon in the lake and suggested SLA contact IFW. Last year, Tim Obrey talked about research being done to improve the population/size of the salmon, so IFW is aware of the situation. Peter Chase, a member of Tim's Stakeholder' group felt that it was a feedstock issue and the smelt population needs to be increased. Jennifer Rogers asked about the prototype Rescue Pole that was to be installed at Greeley's; Brian said that the town would not allow anything to be put on the grassy area near the launch.

New Business: Election of Officers and Board of Directors. The Board presented a slate of Officers and Board of Directors. There were an additional four nominations from the floor: Brian Krause, FA Biology teacher who has been actively working with Rudy on the IPP, Drew Daubenspeck (Tim's Cove), Jennifer Rogers (Bowerbank FR1) and Dennis Beaver (Bowerbank, FR9). Drew, Jennifer and Dennis have each had a lifelong family presence on the lake. The nominations were all seconded. Due to the resignation of Rick Page (VP) from the Board, Rudy was nominated to fill the VP position.

The following slate of Officers and Board of Directors was elected unanimously:

  • President: Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President: Rudy Davis
  • Treasurer: Jennifer Stewart
  • Recording Secretary: Janet Hall
  • Corresponding Secretaryy: Cindy Woodworth
  • Directors Gary Soucy, Bob Hall, Peter Chase, Norman Hill, Dean Meffe, Maurice Marden, Joe Guyotte, MJ Sheldon-McKenzie, Brian Krause, Drew Daubenspeck, Jennifer Rogers, Dennis Beaver

Rick Page's service to the Board since 2011 was recognized by President Woodworth.

Budget Items. The following Budget items were approved unanimously: Website: Up to $500 for Hosting fees ($300) and maintenance ($200) Water quality testing: up to $100 VLMP Donation: $500 Fireworks Donation for 2017: $500 Other.

Brian reported upcoming community events. SLA decals can be ordered on the SLA website. Speaker. Rodney Preble, Bowerbank Fire Chief. Rodney talked about the Fire Boat 3-year project, purchased with fund raisers, a Plum Creek donation, and the King Fund; no taxpayer money was used. The project was initiated for additional fire protection at the lakeshore and mutual aid to nearby Fire Departments. The 20' pontoon boat has been equipped with a mid-ship fire pump with a 500' hose powered by gasoline, a floating ramp for water/patient rescue and related equipment. The fire pump was donated by the John Moore family. The Fire Boat is trailered to the Bowerbank launch site; it was tested and deployed in 11 minutes from the firehouse to Seymour Cove. During Red Flag fire alerts, it can be stored in the water at the dock of Bowerbank firefighter volunteers. Firefighters are also being trained for water rescues and transfer of patients to nearby medical facilities via Greeley's Landing. Joe Guyotte, D-F fire chief, praised Rodney and crew for protecting shoreline buildings during a recent fire near Parsons Landing. D-F has requested a $16K grant from the King Foundation for better communication equipment for the D-F Fire Department.

Brian thanked the attendees and SLA Board and adjourned the meeting at 11:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2015


July 11, 2015

Thirty-four members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis room on July 11, 2015.

President Brian Woodworth called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m., welcomed members to the annual meeting and had the Officers, Directors and members introduce themselves.

The 2014 Annual meeting minutes were read by attendees. The minutes were approved as presented.

The 2014 Treasurer's Report was presented by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart. She pointed out that increased dues, donations and advertising revenue increased the balance sheet by $2899.02. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: Rudy posed the question to the attendees if $15 is the appropriate dues amount. Paul Meierdierck thought it was. David Criner asked about membership numbers; Janet indicated that 21% of our 920 records pay dues. Jennifer Rogers asked if SLA is on Facebook (no); Paul Meierdierck indicated there was some confusion that SLA and Road associations are connected (they are not); Roxanna Gerrish asked if we kept track of camps changing ownership (this is done through Tax Commitment lists annually for each of the four towns on the lake); Steve Robinson said that having a cause would draw more members (Rudy said the Invasive Plant Patrol project is our current cause.) Brian indicated that there is talk of cooperation with other neighborhood associations on the lake (e.g. Tim's Cove.)

Bob Hall reported on the state of the lake. The lake is at the target level at this time. Maurice Marden commented that the lake level was unusually low this spring. The Secchi disk readings for water clarity are consistently in the top 10% of lakes in the state; last year's average was visibility to 23 feet. Phosphorous levels were not measured; this is a bi-annual measurement for SLA; the State measures every 5 years. Ice out has been tracked since 1829; the average date is 4/28; in 2015, it was 5/2. Lesley Fernow asked if the number of ice fishermen was monitored (no); this year there were fewer due to an average temperature of 34 for much of the season.

Cindy Woodworth reported that Newsletter/Web advertising income was $860, an increase of $360 over last year. She pointed out that every record in our database (more than 900) gets a Newsletter, which is an incentive for advertisers. The newsletter also serves to educate the readers.

Rudy reported on the Invasive Plant Patrol project, which includes forming a team of volunteers, including Foxcroft Academy students and camp owners. The objectives include 1) mapping littoral zone (to 15' depth) with current plants in order to monitor for invasive plants, starting with local boat launch areas; 2) Educate residents and visitors; 3) Form a rapid response team to check on reports of suspicious plants. Classroom training was on 6/30 and water training was cancelled and will be rescheduled. This year's program will help determine the type of equipment that is best.

Lesley Fernow asked about problems with canoes/kayaks that camp residents take to other water bodies in the state (they should be washed and dried before going back into Sebec.) It was suggested that the website have a map of lakes in the region that have invasive plants (Janet will look into that.)

Lesley Fernow reported on legislation that D-F is considering to prevent the E-W corridor and protect the local water supply. The well at D-F town beach has been closed.

New Business: Election of Officers and Board of Directors.

The following slate of Officers and Board of Directors was elected unanimously:

  • President: Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President: Rick Page
  • Treasurer: Jennifer Stewart
  • Recording Secretary: Janet Hall
  • Corresponding Secretary: Cindy Woodworth
  • Directors Gary Soucy, Bob Hall, Peter Chase, Norman Hill, Dean Meffe, Maurice Marden, Rudy Davis, Joe Guyotte, MJ Sheldon-McKenzie

Budget Items. The following Budget items were approved unanimously: Insurance Coverage: $1200 includes 1) Directors Liability ($800), 2) 10K Treasurer's Bond ($400 for 3 years, $133 per year), 3) Equipment (Water monitoring, IPP) with $500 deductible ($250). Web: Hosting ($300) and maintenance ($200) Water quality testing ($100) VLMP Donation (includes IPP classes): $500 Fireworks Donation for 2016: $500 Other.

Brian reported upcoming community events. Fred Muehl presented his prototype for a safety pole at the boat launches, which is PVC pipe cemented in the ground with a life preserver attached. The unit costs $100 to make; there could be advertising on the preserver. There were questions as to how to keep the preserver from being taken. It was agreed that the prototype would be installed at Greeley's boat launch to see how it stands up over the season.

Speaker. Tim Obrey, Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Biologist. Tim spoke on the efforts to determine the success rate of salmon jumping Earley's Falls to spawn in the fall and how to make it easier for the salmon; new monitoring equipment was described and a comprehensive slide show presented. Brian thanked the attendees and adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Motion to allow up to $1000 for IPP

The following motion was presented and voted on via email, with all SLA Directors receiving a copy. The motion, initiated by Director Rudy Davis, states 'that an amount UP TO $1000 be allocated for expenditures relating to the Invasive Plant Patrol initiative.'

The motion was approved with 9 yea votes, 1 nay vote and 6 directors not responding to the request to vote.

Background for this request: Rudy is leading the creation of the Invasive Plant Patrol program to begin this summer; the IPP program was approved at the annual meeting July 12, 2014. The program includes IPP workshops with VLMP on Friday 6/30/15 at Foxcroft Academy and an on-water workshop at Greeley's Landing on 7/1/15 for people who have volunteered to be part of the IPP program, including some Foxcroft Academy students. Please note that we have already received more than $600 in donations from the membership for these expenses.

Rudy writes: "We are voting on expenditures to buy equipment for use in the IPP. Scopes, Maps, Collection equipment, pens, pencils, notebooks, drinking water (hot days in boats), signage for the launches, etc....things that enable us to do the mapping and observations, and to further education. I do not see us needing to buy PFD's or kayaks, canoes, paddles etc, etc....many are loaning these to the effort. We are purchasing volunteer liability coverage insurance otherwise, so participants (students or not) would be covered under that policy. Our plan is to not have students participate if: They do not have a PFD that fits them (or we can't get one for them to use from an adult team member) They do not have parental permission to participate and a waiver. They cannot swim."

Annual Meeting 2014


July 12, 2014

Twenty-three members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis room on July 12, 2014.

After calling the meeting to order at 7 p.m., President Brian Woodworth welcomed members to the annual meeting and had the Officers and Directors present introduce themselves.

He then introduced Denise Buzzelli, Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. Janet introduced Joanne Raymond, widow of Dave Raymond, long-time Lake Association President. Brian pointed out that a slide presentation of photos of Lake activities from the past to the present would be playing during the meeting.

The 2013 Annual meeting minutes were read by attendees. The minutes were approved as presented.

The 2013 Treasurer's Report was presented by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart. She pointed out that there was $500 advertising income, but that the net income showed the Association has a more than $1000 income deficit. Cost saving measures and programs to increase membership were discussed at the Board meeting. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: Bob Hall commented on the state of the lake. After some high water early in the season due to heavy rains and snow, the lake is at the correct level at this time. The Secchi disk readings for water clarity are consistently in the top 10% of lakes in the state; last year's average was visibility to 23 feet; below 2', the lake is in trouble. Phosphorous levels are .004ppm, well below the dangerous level.

Maurice Marden commented that the dam operators know what they are doing and have been responsive to events. He reminded us that the dam is there to make electricity; the water must be down to install/remove the boards safely; there are state mandated rules governing dam operation. In reply to Dean Meffe's question, Maurice reported that all gates of the dam are working. Brian indicated that Plum Creek cutting has impacted the amount of water getting into the lake.

New Business: State Rep. Paul Davis gave an update on the status of the Penobscot Restoration Trust which has been authorized to restore the Penobscot to what it was 200+ years ago. This impacts the rivers that feed the Penobscot, including Sebec. The concern is that a fish bypass at Howland will allow pike to enter the feeder rivers and eventually they will be in Sebec Lake. They are already in Sebago, Belgrades and Pushaw Pond. Pike will decimate the salmon population. Rep. Davis feels that an Attorney is needed to sue the Trust to stop further dam removal; there are no funds to hire an Attorney. Alternatives to fish bypass include a fish ladder which pike will not jump, or an elevator which is expensive and must be manned but will stop pike. Invasive milfoil is present in the Belgrade lakes; the new milfoil sticker will use the funds collected to help lake associations eradicate milfoil. There was a study on rubber lures; in Sebec, 3.2% in Sebago, 5.2% of trout examined had rubber in their stomachs. See the report at Rubber Lures Study.

Election of Officers and Board of Directors. The following slate of Officers and Board of Directors was elected unanimously:

  • President Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President Rick Page
  • Treasurer Jennifer Stewart
  • Corresponding Secretary Cindy Woodworth
  • Recording Secretary Janet Hall
  • Board: Rudy Davis ,Marie Woodbrey, Gary Soucy, Joe Guyotte, Vic Woodbrey, Maurice Marden, Bob Hall, Dean Meffe, Peter Chase, Norman Hill, Mary Jane Sheldon-McKenzie.

Advertising: Cindy Woodworth reported that 50 letters were sent soliciting advertising for the Newsletter. $500 in ads were sold.

Website: Brian Woodworth indicated we are looking for a replacement for Gary Soucy to work on the website and asked for suggestions.

VLMP Invasive Plant Workshop: Rudy Davis reported on the July 2013 workshop; the outgrowth was the idea to create a team to map the lake given the large size of Sebec, it was suggested that we start with the boat launches, but we need viewing scopes. He reminded everyone that visiting equipment used on other lakes must be thoroughly inspected and washed. This includes boats/trailers/personal watercraft/floats/etc. Invasive plants can kill the lake. Everyone needs to recruit members so we can have money to buy equipment needed to monitor the lake. Marty McKenzie asked the cost of scopes (est. $100 each). Denise Buzzelli talked about an eradication/prevention system developed by AWC; she will send the website to Rudy.

Budget Items: Requests were made for $1000 donation for fireworks, $500 for VLMP, up to $100 for water testing, up to $500 for website fee and maintenance. There was discussion of amounts to donate given the bleak financial report. A question was asked how the fireworks supports the SLA charge to Preserve and Protect the lake; Rudy Davis and Brian Woodworth explained that it creates awareness of the SLA since we are a major contributor; Sam Shepherd felt it was good publicity.

Do the fireworks pollute the lake? Marty McKenzie stated that the operator retains the canisters and most of the debris blows away and does not fall in the lake. A bigger threat is the debris from camp owners' fireworks. Because it was suggested that we need money for viewing scopes to search for invasive plants, the question was asked is the fireworks donation better spent on scopes. Ultimately, it was agreed to allocate $500 for the 2015 Fireworks and $100 for VLMP. All requests were passed unanimously. Brian thanked the attendees and adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2013


July 13, 2013

Twenty-five members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis room on July 13, 2013.

After calling the meeting to order at 7 p.m., President Brian Woodworth welcomed members to the annual meeting and had the Officers and Directors present introduce themselves, then asked those present to do the same.

Brian announced that the SLA decals would be available for purchase after the meeting as well as on the SLA website.

The 2012 Annual meeting minutes were read by attendees. The minutes were approved as presented. The 2012 Treasurer's Report was presented by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart. She pointed out that dues income decreased by $2672 (45%) from 2012 to 2013. There was a question about the significant increase in insurance fees; this was due to a once-every-3 year $300 premium to bond the Treasurer for $10000. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: Bob Hall commented on the state of the lake. After some high water early in the season due to heavy rains, the lake is at the correct level at this time. The level will hit 325' at least once each season. The Secchi disk readings for water clarity are consistently in the top 10% of lakes in the state; last year's average was visibility to 25 feet; below 2', the lake is in trouble. Phosphorous levels are .007ppm, well below the dangerous level. We do not test for mercury. According to Tim Obrey, DF&W, a study was done 15-18 years ago and the result indicated that longer-lived fish have more mercury.

Roxanna Gerrish asked about mailing the Newsletter later. It was explained that we mail to home addresses, and want to reach out-of-staters before they go to the lake. First class postage this year reached more people successfully with only 50 of 900+ pieces returned.

New Business: Election of Officers and Board of Directors. The following slate of Officers was elected unanimously:

  • President Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President Rick Page
  • Treasurer Jennifer Stewart
  • Corresponding Secretary Cindy Woodworth
  • Recording Secretary Janet Hall
  • The following slate for the Board of Directors was elected unanimously. Rudy Davis Marie Woodbrey Gary Soucy Joe Guyotte Vic Woodbrey Maurice Marden Bob Hall Dean Meffe Peter Chase Norman Hill Mary Jane Sheldon-McKenzie

Budget Items: Request $1000 for 2014 Fireworks donation, $500 for VLMP donation, $100 for water quality testing, up to $500 for website fees and maintenance. These requests were approved unanimously. Val Coluni spoke of his concern that although he's a taxpayer and community worker in Maine, he is still required to pay out-of-state fees for licensing vehicles/fishing/boats; his son was also cited for fishing without a license while teaching his son to fish. It was suggested that this is a Legislative matter and he needs to contact the state representatives.

Brian announced Community Events: The Bike Maine stop in D-F in September; Contributions to the Arno fund can be sent to the Kiwanis; the fund will be used to help pay for an emergency tower with camera/phone/siren at the Dam in hopes of preventing another tragic drowning.

Tim Obrey talked about the Fisheries Management Plan created for Sebec Lake in 2012; the full plan can be read on the Sebec Lake website by clicking on Sebec Lake, then Fisheries Management Plan. Tim explained the difficulties of keeping the lake at the correct level for spawning salmon before draining the lake for the winter. High water in the spring encourages breeding on the shoals, then when the water is let down to reach the required 322.8 feet, the eggs are left high and dry. All agreed that the Dam operators are doing a much better job controlling the lake level than several years ago. Brian thanked the attendees and adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2012


July 14, 2012

Thirty-two members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Sebec room on July 14, 2012.

After calling the meeting to order at 7 p.m., President Brian Woodworth welcomed members to the 40th annual meeting and introduced the Officers and Directors present. Brian handed out the new Sebec Lake stickers to all present. They will be publicized at the Town Halls and can be purchased from Brian or Janet Hall.

The 2011 Annual meeting minutes were read by attendees. The minutes were approved as presented.

The 2011 Treasurer's Report was presented by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart. She pointed out that dues income increased by $2286; this included 2011 dues paid after 7/1/2011 and 2012 dues paid prior to 7/1/2012. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: Brian announced that the Homecoming fireworks on 8/4/12. The fireworks are supported 99% by camp owners, and SLA has contributed $1000, and is a major donor.

Bob Hall commented on the state of the lake. Sebec is in the top 10-15% of Maine lakes in clarity and health. He suggested that we work toward having a VLMP Invasive Plant Identification Workshop in D-F next summer. He will work with VLMP to that end. It was noted by attendees that there is not monitoring of boats for invasive plants during Bass Tournaments. Rudy Davis commented that in Utah, boats are steam washed prior to entering the lakes. Paul Davis reported that the $10 for milfoil sticker goes into the general fund. Pictures of invasive plants can be found at

Brian announced that the Board voted to send only one mailing in 2013 via first class to ensure speedier delivery and forwarding.

Rick Page and Brian installed the new Sebec Lake sign near Greeley's Landing welcoming people to Sebec Lake. The new sign was created by Carl Brackett.

New Business: Election of Officers and Board of Directors. The following slate of Officers was elected unanimously:

  • President Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President Rick Page
  • Treasurer Jennifer Stewart
  • Corresponding Secretary Tom Lizotte
  • Recording Secretary Janet Hall 
  • The following slate for the Board of Directors was elected unanimously. Board of Directors Rudy Davis Marie Woodbrey Gary Soucy Renee Rawinski Vic Woodbrey Maurice Marden Bob Hall Dean Meffe Peter Chase Norman Hill

Budget Items: Request $1000 for 2013 Fireworks donation, $500 for VLMP donation, $100 for water testing, up to $500 for website fees and maintenance. These requests were approved unanimously.

Brian commented on upcoming community events. Rick Page suggested Mary Jane Sheldon-McKenzie be considered to be on the Board. Representative Paul Davis discussed his legislation passed last year to prevent fish ladders from being installed at Milo and Sebec. However, there is still great concern that some individual will transport invasive species via bucket taxi into Sebec. We need to be vigilant in helping to prevent this. Tim Obrey also spoke about invasive fish including largemouth bass which are currently in Lake Hebron. Both shad (river spawners) and alewives (lake spawners) are likely to end up in Sebec either by swimming downstream or upstream from other lakes into which they travel via fish ladders. The first Winter Fishing Derby was held this winter, sponsored by the D-F fire department. Both lake trout and salmon were caught in low numbers, but high quality. Federal and IFW funds were granted to dredge the entry to Greeley's Landing. D-F. Tim has convened a group of people to work on a Fisheries Management Plan for Sebec. Their charge includes the management of the lake, measurable benchmarks to track progress, a clear course of action to reach set goals, create an informational document. This document will keep everyone on the same page and help to limit rogue ideas. See the spring 2012 Newsletter for an article by Tim on the history of fish management in Sebec. In the 2nd-3rd week of September, the salmon attempt to jump Earley's Falls to spawn in Wilson Stream. Only about 25% make it over the falls. Maurice pointed out that the lake cannot be lowered until Tim reports that the spawning process is over. There were several comments and questions for Tim from the attendees.

Brian thanked the attendees and adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2011


July 20, 2011

Twenty members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis room on July 20, 2011.

After calling the meeting to order at 7 p.m., President Brian Woodworth welcomed members to the 39th annual meeting, introduced the Officers and Directors present and asked all attendees to introduce themselves.

Brian introduced Tim Obrey, Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Biologist and commented on LD134, legislation introduced by Rep Paul Davis to prohibit the construction of fish ladders at the Sebec Dam and the Milo Dam. This will prevent invasive species known to be in the Penobscot River from entering Sebec Lake. The bill was passed in March by both the state House and Senate. Sebec Lake representatives attended and spoke in favor of the legislation at the 2/9/11 public meeting in Augusta.

The 2010 Annual meeting minutes were read. A correction was made, changing the number of states represented by property owners on the lake to 35, and the minutes were approved as corrected.

The 2011 Treasurer's Report prepared by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart was distributed (see attached). The net income for 7-10 through 6-11 was $1617.80. It was noted that the website fees were zero. There were 279 paid members for 2010. Total funds available as of July 2010 are $11,826. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: Brian announced that the Homecoming fireworks are on 8/6/11 and the concession stand will be open on the town beach, with shuttles running from town to the beach, as parking is limited. It was noted that the $6500 donated by the town to support Homecoming activities is no longer available, and donations from supporters are essential, especially for the fireworks. The lake association is a major supporter of the fireworks with a $1000 donation to the fund.

Bob Hall commented on the state of the lake. Water quality continues to be excellent. The phosphorous level is steady over the years, and Secchi disk readings for lake clarity were at 30' in July. It was also noted that Ampersand is doing a great job with the dam. There was difficulty getting the splashboards out last year due to heavy rains which caused the lake level to rise 5' splashboards were removed in January 2011. Spring rains made the lake level rise to 323-324 feet (above sea level) which is 1' higher than target level. Bob noted that up to 10,000 cubic feet of water per second enters the lake after a heavy rain due to the extensive watershed for the lake. Sam Shepherd asked about the problem of ice taking out a dock in the spring; Tim Obrey explained that the water was so high when the lake froze that it caused problems. Bob reminded all about invasive plants which can be introduced to the lake by small hitchhiking pieces on boats/trailers/motors that have been on other lakes. Check before launching a boat, and be aware of plant growth around the shoreline. Report any unusual plants to any Officer/Director and place a sample in a zip lock bag. The Maine VLMP will determine if it is an invasive species. Brian noted that contact information for property owners can be updated via a form on the website. Current information is needed in order to receive SLA mailings.

Rick Page reintroduced the issue of the sign near Greeley's Landing welcoming people to Sebec Lake. After authorizing him to repair the sign three years ago, the sign was removed before he could retrieve it. Rick agreed to contact Dave Lockwood and get a price for replacement.

New Business: Election of Officers and Board of Directors. The following slate of Officers was elected unanimously:

  • President Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President Don Baldwin
  • Treasurer Jennifer Stewart
  • Corresponding Secretary Tom Lizotte
  • Recording Secretary Janet Hall
  • The following slate for the Board of Directors was elected unanimously. Board of Directors Don Page Marie Woodbrey Gary Soucy Elaine Page Vic Woodbrey Maurice Marden Bob Hall Dean Meffe Rick Page Norman Hill Peter Chase Renee Rawinski

Brian mentioned several local events scheduled for the summer. He announced that Julia Flanders is looking for volunteers to help with the Loon Watch count each summer. Details are on the website. Because he had received inquires about docks, he distributed information from local dealers. New boat decals were designed and a prototype displayed. Brian will look into production, based on the positive reaction to selling these again.

Bob Hall requested authorization to make up to a $500 contribution to Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Association. VLMP offers free classes, counsel, training and identification of invasive species for the lakes in Maine. This was unanimously approved.

Janet Hall requested authorization to spend up to $500 for website maintenance, noting that last year, this allocation was not used at all. . This was unanimously approved.

Brian noted lake residents who had passed away over the winter: Frank Whittaker, Norm Watters, Will Russick and Jean Soule Rich. Donations have been made to SLA in Jean's name at the request of her family. Our condolences are extended to the families of all.

Tim Obrey spoke about the fish population, including viewing salmon jumping the falls at Early's Falls to spawn starting after Labor Day. He reiterated the importance of LD134. He noted that togue population is down due to the reduced stocking rate, while salmon population is up due to the water level agreement to keep the lake level up through October 15 each year. Questions/answers included: Where are the white perch? In the narrows back to Greeleys; Is acid rain a problem? No, the ph level is neutral; Is mercury a problem? Not an issue here. Tim noted that salmon are found about the 35' level in summer, at the top of the thermo clime and togue are found at the 50' level, near the bottom of the thermo clime. Sebec Lake is still considered to have native salmon, since it is no longer stocked. Other Maine lakes continue to be stocked with salmon. Brian thanked the attendees and adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2010


July 14, 2010

Thirty-five members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Piscataquis room on July 14, 2010.

After calling the meeting to order at 6 p.m., President Brian Woodworth welcomed members to the 38th annual meeting and asked all present to introduce themselves.

The 2010 Treasurer's Report was presented by Jennifer Stewart. The net income for 7-09 through 6-10 was -$2,908.30 due to limited membership dues in 2009 and $3000 expense to create the new website. With increased communication with property owners, it is hoped that membership will continue to increase this year. Total funds available as of July 2010 are $11,826.

The 2009 Annual meeting minutes were distributed and later approved as distributed.

Election of Officers and Board of Directors The following slate of Officers was elected unanimously. 

  • President Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President Don Baldwin
  • Treasurer Jennifer Stewart
  • Corresponding Secretary Tom Lizotte
  • Recording Secretary Janet Hall
  • It was noted that Gene and Elizabeth Snyder had submitted their resignations. A letter of appreciation for their more than 15 years on the Board will be sent.
  • The following slate for the Board of Directors was elected unanimously. Board of Directors Don Page Marie Woodbrey Gary Soucy Elaine Page Vic Woodbrey Maurice Marden Bob Hall Dean Meffe

New Business: Tim Obrey, Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Biologist was introduced to give a presentation on Invasive Fish Species threatening Sebec Lake. Since 1961, lake trout have been stocked in Sebec, with survival rate increasing with improvements in stocking methods. Wild Salmon are no longer stocked; habitat surveys are taken periodically in Sebec's tributaries in August. It is difficult for the salmon to climb the falls to Wilson Stream; a fish ladder was proposed in the past, but one landowner refused. The lake level must be kept up from 9/15 to 10/15 to make it easier for the salmon to clear the 4 foot falls at Early's Pool. The flow from Wilson's Pond and Stream are also regulated at that time. Invasive fish species introduced to nearby lakes include largemouth bass, pike, and crappy. It is a crime to introduce invasive species into a waterway. Currently the Penobscot River Restoration Trust has worked with the Maine and Federal Depts of Natural Resources to get dams removed on the Penobscot and the operation is moving forward. This will eventually allow invasive fish (mainly pike) to enter Sebec Lake if all dams are removed, the fish bypass allowed in Howland, and a request to create a fish ladder into Sebec (Phase 3 of project) is allowed. To research past articles related to this project, search the Bangor Daily News for pike and Paul Johnson. Comments and concerns may be directed to Tim at A round of applause thanked Tim for his presentation. See also Tim's article published in the recent SLA newsletter.

Gary MacPheters and Dave Sharrow, local operators of the Sebec Dam now owned/operated by Ampersand, pointed out that the new owners have invested a significant amount of money to make the dam work correctly and make improvements which continue to be implemented. Current projects include an autogate to provide low water passage for fish and installing hydraulics behind the flood gates. The lake level is kept high to 10/15 each year per IF&W (see Tim Obre's comments above), at which time it is dropped to allow the flashboards to be removed for the winter. Water is released in the spring to allow the boards to be reinstalled, but spring rains and the need to regulate the outflow in order to keep Milo basements from flooding can delay the boards being put in. Maurice Marden pointed out that this spring there was a 5' rise in the lake just prior to putting the boards in this spring. The comment was made that the gates go down during a power outage to prevent power from being generated.

Bob Hall reported on lake quality. The clarity was at 7+ meters (23 ft) in June; August is typically 8+ meters. Lake level is steady at about 322.8 feet (above sea level), the target level, due to the relatively good weather since the boards were placed. Brian Woodworth commented on the Duesletter and Newsletter which went out in May and June. Starting with the Newsletter, we are now using bulk mail. Note that bulk mail is NOT forwarded, so please be sure we have your correct mailing address. An email form is available at

He thanked Carl Brackett of Foxcroft Printers in D-F for his excellent work. Carl spent extra time of his own to get it looking just right. A question was raised about sending the newsletters by email. For now, we are collecting email addresses, but do not have a sufficient quantity to make this practical. In addition, many folks have expressed a desire to continue to receive the mailings in paper format. In the future, we hope to make email an option.

Brian commented on the diversity of states to which our mailings are sent. About 24% go to the local zip codes; about 60% go to Maine, and 40% to 19 other states and 3 out of country addresses. The full chart will be posted on the website in the Meeting Minutes section.

Brian spoke about the upcoming Homecoming sponsored fireworks on 8/7 from a barge on the lake. Money is still needed from camp owners. SLA has contributed $1000 for 2010 and is recognized as a major sponsor. Due to current financial constraints, it was voted that the Board will decide at a later date on a contribution of up to $1000 for 2011. It was also voted that the Board can contribute up to $300 to the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, a non-profit which tends to the health and welfare of the lakes in Maine using volunteer monitors. Our volunteers are Bob Hall and Renee Rawinski. We can always use volunteers for SLA. Check the website. There was some discussion of having the SLA meeting at the public beach next year. You are welcome to communicate on any topic of interest with officers and directors via email; the individual emails are in the Officers/Directors area of the website. Brian adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2009


August 29, 2009

Fourteen members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Conference room on August 29, 2009.

After calling the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m., President Gary Soucy welcomed members to the 37th annual meeting. The reading of the 2008 minutes was called for; they were accepted as read.

The Treasurer's report was presented orally by the Recording Secretary from a report prepared by Treasurer Jennifer Stewart comparing the 07-08 fiscal year with 08-09 fiscal year. The total funds available as of August 29, 2009 are $14,739. The report was accepted as read.

Old Business: Bob Hall reported on the lake quality/level:

1. Lake clarity is about the same as last year with a range of 16 (heavy rain in June/July) to 20 feet. It was noted that Sebec Lake is in the top 10% of lakes in the state for water clarity/quality.

2. Phosphorous readings were again taken at four points on the lake (Ship Pond Stream, Wilson Stream, center of lake and dam area) and sent to UMaine for analysis at $25 each. The range continues at 4 to 6 parts per billion. Gene Snyder suggested taking a reading near Greeleys Landing to see the effect of household runoff (detergents, etc). Bob explained that phosphorous is a naturally occurring substance and that any increase would take place over some time.

3. Bob received a chemical purity analysis of lake water forwarded from David Frasz for a sample taken in open water. The analysis is typically done for wells to determine the potability of the water. All tests were at excellent levels. It was noted that E. coli and coli form both had a positive detection; this is likely due to natural waste from wildlife. Because the test was NOT to determine potability, this finding is not a concern. A note will be sent to Dr. Frasz thanking him for the report.

4. The current lake level is 322.6 feet, with a high of 325.3 feet the first week of July due to extremely high amounts of rain during June and July. 5. Invasive plants are moving north and east in the state of Maine. Summer residents are asked to be aware of unusual plant growth both at launch sites on the lake and in front of their camps and check boats/trailers for plant material. Some lakes have volunteers at each launch site. There was discussion as to what is done with the boat registration fees; comments were that the money went into the general fund for the state rather than targeting monitoring programs. The VLMP is not a state agency, but does receive some financial support from the state. The VLMP offers free programs all around the state regarding invasive plants and other issues of lake quality. Maurice Marden and Bob Hall presented information related to the operation of the dam, including DEP mandates and the agreement by which Ampersand must run the dam. A recent communication received from the Maine DEP chronicles the agreement between Ampersand and the state of Maine, and addresses the issues of non-compliance and their corrections. The DEP required Ampersand to:

1. Implement an external outlet gate at the powerhouse at the site of the present sluice; the housing for this outlet gate has been constructed and will be completed in the near future.

2. Create breakaway splashboards; Ampersand has installed 6' splashboards made of special plywood-like material on the leftmost 32 feet of the dam which should fail when the lake reaches 323.3'. 3.

Run of the river: 0 through 750 cubic feet/sec can exit though the turbines. If more flow is needed, the five internal floodgates in the turbine housing can be opened to allow an additional output flow of 1000 cf/s. During a heavy rainstorm, 5000-8000 cf/s may come into the lake and the excess must go over the splashboards. If the splashboards are set to fail completely, the lake must be lowered to 321' in order to reinstall flashboards. Per Maurice Marden, the only time the water can be lowered to less than 322' is if a state of emergency is declared. The agreement states that the water is to be drawn down in late winter only; there is nothing about taking the flash boards off at that time. Bob suggested that we need to be in support of Ampersand and work with them, not against them. We need to accept the reality of levels rising at some point during the summer if there is a lot of rain.

New Business: The website has not been maintained and we have sent out an RFP to four companies to submit proposals. Two have responded so far. Bill Larrabbee's web site is no longer functioning as he has retired. Mike McCormick's site is still up.

There will be a duesletter sent about March 21, and a newsletter published about May 21. The newsletter will be posted on the new website (assuming it is up) and will be mailed to those who request it.

A motion was made to donate $1000 to the D-F Homecoming Fund to support the fireworks display from the lake. Making that level of donation will get SLA sponsor status and increase visibility, and hopefully encourage the committee to again set off the display from the lake. The motion was passed.

Rick Page reported that the SLA sign near Greeley's Landing is in need of repair. A motion was made to have the sign refurbished and replaced. The motion was passed. Rick agreed to be responsible for getting it out, taking it to Dave Lockwood in D-F and reinstalling it. Related costs will be covered by SLA.

Election of Officers and Board of Directors Gary Soucy announced that he was stepping down as President, and was on the ballot as VP. He called for nominations from the floor. Gene Snyder nominated Don Baldwin for VP.

A unanimous vote was cast by the secretary for the offices of President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary. Don Baldwin was elected VP by a show of hands vote.


  • President Brian Woodworth
  • Vice President Don Baldwin
  • Treasurer Jennifer Stewart
  • Corresponding Secretary Tom Lizotte
  • Recording Secretary Janet Hall
  • The following slate for the Board of Directors was elected unanimously with the secretary casting a single vote. Board of Directors Don Page Gene Snyder Marie Woodbrey Elaine Page Elizabeth Snyder Vic Woodbrey Bob Hall Dean Meffe Maurice Marden Gary Soucy

Note that Gary Soucy replaced Don Baldwin on the Board due to Don's election as VP. Becky Engdahl, a long time Board member and friend of the lake was designated Director Emeritus; she currently resides in Hibbard and is unable to attend meetings. The recording secretary will write a letter to her, informing her of her new status on the board. Gary adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary

Annual Meeting 2008


August 9, 2008

Thirty members of the Sebec Lake Association met in the Mayo Hospital Conference room on August 9, 2008.

After calling the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., President Gary Soucy welcomed members to the annual meeting. Gary noted that two of our most active members, Bud and Ruth Meierdierk had passed away this summer. Ruth was a Director for many years. Condolences were expressed to their daughter, Jill Adams.

The reading of the 2007 minutes was called for; they were accepted as read.

The Treasurer's report was presented in written form. It was noted that the report now is presented for the fiscal year (July 2007 -- June 2008), a change for previous reports which were presented from the date of the prior meeting to the meeting date. It was explained that insurance costs are for liability insurance for the Officers.

Newsletter printing cost of $56 was for printing only. Mailing costs of 900 newsletters will be included in the next Report, as it occurred after 6/30/08.

The total funds available as of August 9, 2008 are $14,586. The report was accepted as presented.

Old Business: Two items were discussed prior to the reading of the minutes. Gary announced that as of 11/30/07, ownership of the dam transferred to Ampersand Energy Partners LLC in Boston MA. There continues to be local operational control of the dam. Dr. Sensinig asked if the water supply for residents at the Bowerbank town or the pump at FR 9 was ever tested. It was suggested that a water testing kit is available at the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District office in the Pine Tree Industrial Park in Dover-Foxcroft. Bob Hall reported on the lake quality/level. 1. Lake clarity is down from last year to a range of 18 (heavy rain in July/Aug) to 27 feet(less rain). 2. Phosphorous readings were again taken at four points on the lake (Ship Pond Stream, Wilson Stream, center of lake and dam area) and sent to UMaine for analysis at $25 each. The current range is 4 to 6 parts per billion. Increased phosphorous concentration is one of the first indicators of degradation of the lake water quality with 15 ppb being the worry point. 3. Arsenic readings were undetectable i.e. <5 ppb. 4. The current lake level is 324 feet, averaging 323.2 feet (above sea level). It is running high due to the heavy rains and the fact that one of the generators is down for repair, requiring one gate to remain closed. Dean Meffe reported that repair is scheduled to be finished by the end of the season. 5. The No Trespassing and No Swimming signs have been removed. 6. No invasive plants have been reported. Summer residents are asked to be aware of unusual plant growth both at launch sites on the lake and in front of their camps. 7. A temperature data logger was obtained as part of a research program at UMaine to collect variations in temperature with sunlight. It will remain in place for the summer, then sent for analysis.

Questions/comments related to lake quality/level included the following:

1. Maurice Marden has talked with the new owners. The closest office is in New Hampshire. He noted that the flashboards are now made of plywood, which is less vulnerable to vandalism.

2. Gene Snyder and Don Page reported that there is erosion occurring at South Cove and Tim's Cove. Current regulations prevent repairing the lake shore, so it is imperative that the lake level be maintained at the required range. Maurice Marden pointed out that the watershed terrain has changed with building and extensive logging, removing trees and brush which soak up the rain, which then gets to the lake much faster than in the past, causing the lake to rise. The dam cannot keep up with the volume.

3. Gary reported that there is a problem with the web site's ability to present water level readings. It is being worked on. Meanwhile, there is a link to Mike McCormick's website (webcam), and Mike has allowed the lake levels to be posted there.

4. Jill Adams asked if anything was done in the spring to keep the lake level down. Maurice Marden explained that the gates were wide open and the flashboards are removed to allow maximum outflow.

New Business: Reid Johnston initiated discussion of the causes of phosphorous in the lake (laundry/dishwasher detergents) and where samples were taken. Bob Hall pointed out that measurements are taken at the end of August, per VLMP guidelines, at the outlets of Wilson and Ship Pond streams, the middle of the lake and just above the dam.

Shirley Johnston expressed concern that hazard markers had been moved. It was pointed out that SLA used to place markers, but that the state took over many years ago due to the liability to the SLA. Gene Snyder reported that the State has been in this year to check markers. Placement is recorded by GPS. They are also charting the bottom of the lake. Each marker has a telephone number on it to report problems. Nancy Soucy suggested posting the minutes on the web site and putting an abbreviated version in the newsletter.

Reid and Shirley Johnston expressed concern with extensive tree removal at Cotton Brook. These issues must be taken to the town.

Dean Meffe brought up arsenic levels in wells. It was noted that arsenic levels in drinking water now have a new maximum (was 50 ppb, now 10 ppb). Wells which were fine may now show unacceptable measurements.

A motion was made to allow Bob Hall to spend up to $100 to have lake water tested for phosphorous. The motion passed. A motion was made to donate $500 to VLMP (Maine's Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program). Bob explained that the VLMP holds classes for anyone interested in Maine Lakes at no charge, and keeps track of the quality and problems, including invasive species of plants, in Maine lakes. The motion passed.

Gary announced that Mike McCormick is proposing a Labor Day sailboat race. Contact Mike at In response to a question, Gary reported that SLA membership is about 30% of camps; there are about 250 members and over 900 camps, based on the extensive collection of address data last year. Please let us know if a camp sells so that we can keep the list current.

The following officers and directors were elected unanimously with a motion that the secretary cast a single ballot:


  • President Gary Soucy
  • Vice President Brian Woodworth
  • Treasurer Jennifer Stewart
  • Corresponding Secretary Tom Lizotte
  • Recording Secretary Janet Hall
  • Board of Directors Don Page, Gene Snyder, Marie Woodbrey, Elaine Page, Elizabeth Snyder, Vic Woodbrey, Bob Hall, Dean Meffe, Maurice Marden, Becky Engdahl, Don Baldwin

Gary adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Hall, Recording Secretary